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Hope life is treating you well...


Hi guys!  How have you all been?  I feel sometimes this conversation we are having is a little one sided. ;)  How was your Mother's Day?  Brad's brother and his wife, my beautiful and sweet as pie sister-in-law Jen, came and stayed with us for a few days.  Amara adores Auntie Jen because she spoils her rotten with hair pieces, shoes, jewelry, clothes and tutus galore!  Every day Amara came toddling out of Aunt Jenny's room with a new outfit on (sometimes twice a day) and matching accessories.  It was quite fun:)

Aunt Jenny also got Amara a beautiful little dolly which she took to right away.  I am so blessed to have married into such a loving, supportive and generous family.  Jen, you're wonderful, we love you and miss you so much!

Amara continues to be enthralled with water.  She loves the tub, she loves the rain, she loves the pool and she loves the splash park.  What I love is that she just goes for it, she doesn't even bother to throw a glance back in my direction.  As fast as her little legs can get her there she is out in that water!  She's brave and unintimidated.  She knows what she wants and what she doesn't and she's not the least bit ambivalent.  On the playground she often generates comments like, she's so active, she's a climber, she's like a little boy!  I'm always chasing after her, apologizing when she appropriates other kids' food/bike/ball and spotting her so she doesn't fall when climbing on ladders/fences/other children.  Sometimes I think it would be nice to sit and talk to other Moms while my child plays nicely at my feet, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  She is exhausting and I love her for it.

I cannot get over this precious swimsuit and swim cap that was generously sent to Amara in a care package from the ever so lovely Rebecca from Obsessed with Polka Dots.  Amara is so blessed to have wonderful people love her and I am blessed to have met such sweet friends.

Our Memorial Day weekend was made up of blueberry pancakes, the water park, a redneck party (epic party at my new dentist/new friend's place!), burgers, beach balls, motorcycle riding/fixing and lots of coffee.  Right now, it's way passed my bedtime so I have gotta go to sleep. Brad, if you're reading this, you may be taking morning shift tomorrow. (He is sitting right next to me on the couch asking me if I am ready for bed yet:)

I hope you all had a great weekend, talk to you soon!

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